Forest Says – Vol. 15

Last week was a long week and I totally skipped out on posting a thoughts on thursday but here were are with another volume of Forest Says for your Monday morning!  I hope your weekend was marvelous.  I know hurricane Matthew was wreaking havoc on part of the country to so we’ve been praying that things are ok, as much as they can be.



During a Jillian Michaels’ workout

JM: you want to wear those strapless dresses, don’t you?!

Forest: yeah!!


F:  Man…. I have a knot in my shoulder.

C:  Why?

F:  Because I’m just so strong.  That’s what happens when you’re as strong as me.  Muscles just do whatever they want.


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Thoughts on Thursday – 8.25.2016

On this very day 11 years ago, a small town girl said YES to dating a small town boy and they never looked back.  I’m so extremely thankful for high school Spanish class, physics homework, and new cell phones that we used to call each other late at night to talk about everything under the sun. (you can read about how we started dating in THIS POST).  Forest, 11 years ago I said yes and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.  You’ve been the peanut butter to my jelly and my greatest supporter.  Thank you so much for loving me!

I Facetimed with a friend today and even though I had several interruptions (hi there crying-baby-who-is-supposed-to-be-napping and FedEx guy), it was a sweet time to catch up.  I’m always so encouraged by this lovely lady and I think she’s the sweetest.  And I would say the same things even if she hadn’t just celebrated her birthday. :)

My mom has been going through/is going through some tough stuff recently (she is such a tough woman and is such an inspiration and I really wish she WASN’T going through any of this) but today she got a bit of good news from her doctor and I’m over here doing happy dances and praising God for his healing hands.

Forest said that a co-worker told him if he isn’t watching Big Brother After Dark or Big Brother Live feeds that he isn’t a Big Brother fan and I have to disagree BUT we will be recording Big Brother After Dark tonight and we’ll see what it’s all about.

Tomorrow if Friday and I’m going into work.  And I’m not looking forward to it.

Peyton has entered the stage of mini-tantrums.  If she doesn’t get her way (mostly if she’s tired and we try to set her down after carrying her on our hip) she will bend herself in half while she’s sitting on the floor and fake-cry into the floor OR she’ll throw herself backwards and fuss.  She’s hit her head a couple times doing that though so she doesn’t do it as often.  BUT she’s also all about Indie recently.  She will wrap her arms around Indie’s neck to give hugs and she gives kisses every chance she gets.  Peyton loves to think Indie is chasing her.  Just today Peyton was by my feet as I was washing dishes and Indie came into the kitchen, minding her own business and not even looking in our direction, and Peyton shrieked and screamed and buried her head in my legs, laughing the whole time.

I photographed TWO weddings at the end of July and as of today, I have delivered pictures to both couples.  OH YEAH!

Take me back to Lake Placid, please!  We had such an amazing vacation last week.  Perfect weather, no agenda, relaxation to the max!  I’ll be posting about it (hopefully) next week!

Forest started his LAST SEMESTER OF GRAD SCHOOL this week!  I’m so proud of that guy!  He’s going to be busy with 2 classes but he’s going to rock this semester and walk at graduation in December!

Forest and I started working out again this week (vacation interrupted our previous attempt to be consistent) and we are SO sore!  We were doing T25 but it just wasn’t cutting it for me.  I didn’t feel like I was getting a good workout so this week we popped Jillian Micheal’s (we’ve had this DVD for a few years but the workout is still effective!) in and yeah, I’m feeling it!

Does anyone have advice on drinking more water during the day?  I’ve never had a problem drinking water while I’m at work but now that I’m home more during the week I often realize I haven’t been drinking water until lunch time and then I try to guzzle as much as I can the rest of the day (and usually don’t do a very good job about it!)

And I’ll leave you with this: A few summer slow cooker ideas.

Until next time — Cindy

Forest Says – Vol. 14

Oh my goodness it’s been awhile since I’ve done a Forest Says!  And I’m sad to say that I have been terrible about writing down his witty comebacks and one-liners recently.  I do still have a few though so here goes another volume of Forest Says!!


Watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with Peyton one Saturday morning

Minnie Mouse on tv:  I wish that we can all be friends forever and ever!

F:  That’s a stupid wish, Minnie.  It’ll never work.


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Father’s Day – 2016

We celebrated Forest’s second father’s day over the weekend!  I see how much he loves and cares for our family and I loved being able to celebrate him.  You are the best dada around, I mean it!

We kicked off the whole weekend by going to a concert on Friday night, just the two of us.  It was the first concert we’ve been to since before Peyton was born and Forest has been looking forward to it for moooooonths.  Dashboard Confessional was the headlining band.  If we were to pick a single band to highlight our high school days, they would be it.  At one point Forest leaned over and asked “Did I buy these tickets as my own Father’s Day gift?” I told him about the concert but he actually purchased the tickets so…. technically yes but whatevs. :)

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